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What are the functions of bundle pocket packaging
Bundle pockets have been transformed into packaging for more and more products. Bundle pocket can play a variety of functions, whether it is a jewelry or watch, so what functions does it have?
1、 Respect your brand; Fabric packaging is reused and kept with your customers for longer. Your company logo will not be seen torn or creased in the external dustbin. It may or may not store your product, but it will always carry the brand you are proud of.
2、 Unique customization; No other company will have the same packaging as you. We make it for you according to your specifications. Our bundle mouth bags will be adjusted according to the shape and size of your products, and will reflect the overall feeling of your company. There are fabrics in a variety of colors and weights, and string decorations are available.
3、 Personalize with your logo; Screen and digital printing or embroidery can be carried out. We offer a wide range of labels - Satin, woven or cotton, which can be sewn in or out of the bag. Not to mention the latest trend of mixing printing and embroidery in the same work of art.
4、 An integral part of a press release or product release; This is a great way to show samples to potential buyers. Our minimum quantity of 3000 is also an attractive quantity, which does not need your huge investment, which is a good test order for business people.
5、 It adds value to your brand; Although it is more expensive than paper or plastic packaging, its price is worth it. It is strong and durable. This is not a package, but it can be reused for many years.
6、 It is useful to customers; Our bathroom cabinets, kitchen cabinets, suitcases, children's toy boxes and desks all have bunchy bags. Store and protect internal items and remind us of the companies we have worked with.
7、 It is very fashionable; It's time to pack, store and display bundle pocket packaged products. Slight defects, the fact that it is handmade makes it beautiful and unique.
8、 Bundle pocket packaging is a previous way; We believe in our products and are proud of their pride and the possibilities given by bundle pocket packaging.
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